Bingo Flash Review

Sep 06, 2011
There’s quite a few ways to use the word “flash”. Back in a flash, flash back, flash bulbs but there’s nothing that sounds as good as Bingo Flash.

I entered the Quarters room where the prize was the highest. The card special running was buy 6, get 3 free. I purchased 24 cards. One of the things that bugs me about Bingo Flash is the wait between games.

My eyes were on the prize and I ended up playing 75 ball bingo where it was the highest. We were playing for the “B” pattern worth $72.28. It was so slow I thought I was going to fall asleep. 24 calls in and I had 4 to go. All I could do was hope the game would end quickly and put me out of my misery. It’s not good to not care whether you win or lose. I got down to two numbers but the minute I started paying real attention, someone won. I flew out of there and straight to the 90 ball room. I didn’t care what the prize was. I just wanted to enjoy my game.

Cards were $0.25 and the max I could purchase was 42 cards. I got 7 free and the game began. I hung out in there for a while but the prizes were tiny. My bankroll was down in a flash.

I had a feeling that I should have stuck to the slots. The Parlay slots are awesome and that’s usually where you’ll find me spinning at the speed of light.


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