Bingo Inspires Us All

Mar 15, 2011
Bingo Inspires Us All
Bingo players extend to every race, creed and color on a global level. There is no age discrimination as it reaches all ages. Who hasn't at one time or another played bingo at some point in their life. Bingo is played in schools, retirement homes, parties, charity events, festivals, church basements and online. There are few games that can claim that kind of achievement. Even those who find the bingo boring, sooner or later, cave in and play. What is it about bingo that has no boundaries and has stood the test of time?

For one thing there is a social element to this ageless game. The human spirit is drawn to the interaction. The congenial setting certainly has it's appeal. Online bingo has included chat boxes, understanding the importance of players enjoyment of chatter is part of the entire experience. Unfortunately, for many sites that did not incorporate this feature, they have now closed. It's an uncomplicated game that creates a relaxed and serene atmosphere. This engaging sport takes no required skill, allowing anyone to play.

It is entertainment with a chance to win prizes. In some scenarios the value of the prizes are insignificant compared to the thrill of victory among their peers. Gifts vary from as little as a candy bar to a luxurious spa treatment at a swank salon. Cash prizes range from a few coins to million dollar jackpots. Players win trips to faraway destinations or win a free dinner at their local diner. Although big prizes have their lustre, what tends to be more relevant is the sheer love of the game as players clamour to play.

Studies have shown that bingo has therapeutic benefits. It stave's off loneliness and gives a renewed sense of recreation and belonging. Bingo is a mental exercise that sharpens the mind and creates an alertness that aids in other phases in day to day functions. It is a stress reducing activity. People cast away a hectic lifestyle, carving out a short time to treat themselves to a well deserved break. In troubling times, bingo is an escape from unpleasant events in their life. Problems are put on hold as attention is diverted in the next number being called.

Bingo, whether at a local festival, lavish Las Vegas bingo hall or online has proven to have a gravitational pull throughout history. Prizes, no matter how big or small entertain us with good company and a wholesome good time.
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