Don’t Shoot the Messenger

Sep 25, 2013
Don’t Shoot the Messenger
How many bingo players out there blame the caller when your numbers just aren't marching out like little soldiers? Although bingo is 100% a game of luck, there are some players out there that think it's all down to the caller. We're here to tell you that this is completely unfair. How can one man be responsible for so many wins and losses?

When you're playing online bingo, especially 90-ball bingo, the caller tends to sound like the same caller. We all know him. That voice is heard from site to site but is it the same man? If so, how is it possible that he can be at two places at once? Is he the one responsible for everything?

So, when a bingo game is in progress and you are willing out certain numbers it can be quite frustrating when they are not called. It's all in the hands of the bingo gods. It's not as if the caller somehow telepathically hears your cries for #25 or #48, right?

If it's not telepathy then it must be something else. The caller probably knows who needs what and which cards belong to whom with the use of his handy dandy computer, right? If you think he has the power to make the player of his choice win, think again. There's a little thing called the Random Number Generator (RNG) that controls the numbers called. This is used to ensure that all calls are completely random. In fact, it's built into the software. Then you have periodic audits etc. to ensure fairness. The caller is strictly the man calling out the next random number.

Again, bingo is a game of luck not strategy. So the next time you have a bad day at the bingo hall, don't shoot the messenger!
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