Bingo Flash Review

Nov 20, 2012

Every once in a while you just need a bingo break. I take some part of my day and hit the bingo sites for a few games or a few spins on the slots. Today, Parlay slots were calling me so I headed over to Bingo Flash to play 7’s Ablaze.

I had a small window of time to work with. A girl’s work is never done and my list of things to do was endless. I played $1.25 per spin and wow, it went fast. Someone must have won the jackpot not too long ago because it was sitting at $193. Now that I think about it, I’ve never won a Parlay slot jackpot. All it takes is 3 red 7’s on the fifth payline. How hard could that be? I added it to my list bucket list.

The cruelest thing happened as I was spinning. One red 7 fell on the fifth payline followed by a second red 7. You can imagine my face when I saw that. It was like slow motion and as for the third symbol, blank. There was a big hole where the third red 7 should be. It felt like my face was on fire.

My bankroll dwindled and if I recall, my biggest win was around $0.50. I got more than I bargained for when I wanted a quick slots session.


Bingo Flash
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