Comfy Bingo Review

Fall has already here even though it’s not officially arrived yet; it’s still relatively warm but it’s raining a lot. I’m very happy that I can still experience all four seasons which is becoming very difficult “thanks” to the global warming. Soon we all are going to live in a tropical climate, but without beaches and the ocean nearby. The Earth’s seasons are not a result of the distance from the Sun throughout the year, but the reason is the tilt of the Earth’s axis. Since the axis is tilted, different parts of the globe are oriented towards the Sun at different times of the year. I’m looking forward to staying more at home playing bingo; that will be fun.

The last few times I have played mostly 90-ball bingo and only occasionally 80-ball bingo. I liked the idea of having more chances to win a game, but the last time I played I felt like it was the time to mix in a few 75-ball bingo games. Even though I haven’t had much luck playing at Comfy Bingo, leaving me penniless every single time, I thought that it has to change one day and maybe that day has come. Patterns were capital letters which wasn’t too exciting, but very entertaining nevertheless. I can confidently say that the game in which I had to cover a letter A and Full House was among the worst ones I have ever played. I had 96 cards and there weren’t too many players, but I finished it with only 6 cards with two to go, and for Full House I got to 3 cards with two to go. For the first time ever at Comfy Bingo, I had some nice winnings playing bingo. The pattern was a letter S and I finished it with four cards with one number to go. A miracle happened when I covered Full House and won £10.1.

I finally had some success there, and that was all I’ve ever wanted. It is achieved now and I can’t wait for my next bingo session.


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